Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Thought:...celebration of love...

Valentine's Day is just a few days away and the "presence of love" is everywhere. Love is being jammed in your face whether you like it or not. Red hearts, roses and "I love you" sweets are being advertised in every store window...there's no escaping it. It's heavily implied by the greeting card companies, lingerie stores and flower shops that you should be doing something really romantic with that "special someone" and if you don't have a "special someone" then you need to find one A.S.A.P...even if it's just for the night.What is it about Valentine's Day that has some people stressing themselves to find the perfect gift and plan the perfect date? I understand it's a day of love and celebrating that love but instead of just waiting for February 14th to roll around to celebrate it; shouldn't we be celebrating it everyday?, family/children and/or finances are just some of the everyday life responsibilities that can get in the way of most couples celebrating their love everyday or even every week but it shouldn't make us just settle for only celebrating love on Valentine's Day...anniversaries...birthdays...or any other special day. Contrary to popular belief, love doesn't always have to be celebrated in a big way or a materialistic way. It can also be celebrated by back rubs, home cooked meals, or best of all by just spending time alone together. Focus on the love and not the (love) is powerful thing that can speak volumes on it's own. Celebrate love because you want to and not because your calendar tells you to. Celebrate love daily and love will celebrate you.
 Just a thought....

"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope."
- Maya Angelou

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