Saturday, March 5, 2011

RANDOM RANT: Immature Grown Ass Men...

ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm not even gonna try to take my time and make sure this is written eloquently or even politically correct....I just want to get this off my chest!!!!! I apologize in advance if anything said offends some...
...they're just my thoughts....

I cannot stand it when GROWN ASS MEN act IMMATURE!!! It's the biggest fucking turn off on the planet (...and I mean instant DRY UP!!!) I understand that everyone has their immature moments but when you have more immature moments than mature moments THAT'S A PROBLEM!!!! Temper tantrums and other childish movements are a big ass NO NO!! No grown ass woman is gonna get wet for or even feel proud to have a man who acts like a frigging child. Grown women want need and deserve a man who has control of his life, who can stand up for himself (and his beliefs) and who most definately isn't "follow-botty"!!! UGHHH!!! It's so frustrating especially when you know that they have potential but it's just being wasted because they refuse to grow. As hard as it is to deal with, there is a small immature guy can one day grow up and become a mature man the minute he opens his eyes and wants to (grow up). It's just up to us to decide whether we can wait or better yet if they're even worth the wait..

...rant done...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quote of the week...

"When love is not madness, it is not love." 
-Pedro Calderon de la Barca

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
-Franklin P. Jones

"The hardest-learned lesson:  that people have only their kind of love to give, not our kind."    
-Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

"You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. "
-Dr. Seuss

Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Thought:...celebration of love...

Valentine's Day is just a few days away and the "presence of love" is everywhere. Love is being jammed in your face whether you like it or not. Red hearts, roses and "I love you" sweets are being advertised in every store window...there's no escaping it. It's heavily implied by the greeting card companies, lingerie stores and flower shops that you should be doing something really romantic with that "special someone" and if you don't have a "special someone" then you need to find one A.S.A.P...even if it's just for the night.What is it about Valentine's Day that has some people stressing themselves to find the perfect gift and plan the perfect date? I understand it's a day of love and celebrating that love but instead of just waiting for February 14th to roll around to celebrate it; shouldn't we be celebrating it everyday?, family/children and/or finances are just some of the everyday life responsibilities that can get in the way of most couples celebrating their love everyday or even every week but it shouldn't make us just settle for only celebrating love on Valentine's Day...anniversaries...birthdays...or any other special day. Contrary to popular belief, love doesn't always have to be celebrated in a big way or a materialistic way. It can also be celebrated by back rubs, home cooked meals, or best of all by just spending time alone together. Focus on the love and not the (love) is powerful thing that can speak volumes on it's own. Celebrate love because you want to and not because your calendar tells you to. Celebrate love daily and love will celebrate you.
 Just a thought....

"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope."
- Maya Angelou

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quote of the week...

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." -Oscar Wilde

Epic storm

Just thought I'd share what winter dragged in and left on my deck this week. Half of that was there already before the "epic storm" blew through on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning so it didn't bring much more to this area than we had already been dealing with. It still most certainly resulted in a Snow Day and bought me a ticket out of a test that morning that I has no where near ready for! I think this now calls for a little Spring action though. Green grass, budding trees, chirping birds. It's never overrated.

My first successful Twist out

This was my first real shot at a two strand twist out and I loved it. I used Bee Mine Bee Hold Curly Butter on co-washed, conditioned, and detangled hair and the results were great. It was the softest I had felt my hair when dry and the first time I absolutely loved it. This will be a new staple for me as I continue my venture to form a symbiotic relationship with my hair. I tried to use the Curly Butter throughout the week as I attempted to maintain the style but it seemed to have worked its magic most when my hair was clean and wet. So now the next secret to unfold is how to maintain a style and moisture between washes.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Befriending my hair

So I went to licensed beautician a week and a half ago for my first trim. After attempting to blow dry my hair to get it straighter before going to her and watching most of it fall to the floor, I decided I was going to step away from the blow dryer and let her combat my hair. Sitting in her chair I was getting ready for her to tell me that she was going to have to chop off all 4-5 inches of my 4-5 inches of natural hair but she didn't. She didn't need to. Only 1/2 an inch. She didn't even have to blow dry the rest since it was straighter than she expected. That doesn't mean that what I heard next made me feel any better after at least learning that I could keep my hard earned 3c/4a kinky curls. My hair was diagnosed as unhealthy. It was brittle and in distress. The regimen that I had been using up to that point was working against my hair, not for it. She went on to explain that hair thrives on a consistently clean and healthy scalp. This I knew but I thought I had some. Hair has to be cleaned and conditioned from the inside out, meaning that, this may surprise you, but shampoo is not a no-go for naturals. I asked her about the whole sulfate ingredient protest. She didn't have much to say about it but that the best products I could find for my hair would be found in a salon since they had less fillers than the shelved products in stores. At that point all I heard was $$ but I kept listening. She went on to explain that the heavy products I had been using for the last 6 months where coating my scalp and hair shaft preventing moisture from getting in, hence the brittle texture. My hair lacked lustre cause it was so coated, she said. The best thing for me to do was to go back home and really wash it good with the best shampoo I had, rub a little oil into my scalp and sit with a rinse-out conditioner, only for as long as it said to keep it in (I learned that there's not use for sitting with them for hours cause they stop working after a period of time anyway, whereas shampoos keep cleansing), apply a great salon-brand leave-in, and use minimal stlying products. So I followed her instructions to a tee and what was the end result????? Great hair! I didn't even recognize my hair. I worked with me better than it ever had. I saw an instant change. The most noticeable was that I didn't have to tamper with my hairline at all to get it to lie down flat and not roll up. So that was the secret all along for my hair and I had to wait this long to find out!

Monday, January 24, 2011

This Just In....

My hair and I can be friends!! And all it took was a bottle of shampoo (yes, I said it, shampoo), rinse out and leave-in conditoner. And a nice little blend of oils too of course. Stay tuned for the details...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Quote of the week...

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Confucius

Friday, January 21, 2011

Let's get this started

So I've had it somewhere in one of the dusty, remote back corners of my mind that I need to get on here and write and it's taken this long but I made it. I'm actually in the mood. I'm not sure of the tone I want to set with my contributions to this blog so until my niche is found my blogs will probablybe as random and as sporadic as my thoughts. So let's get aquainted.
Who am I? Good question. I wish I knew. I'm currently getting acquainted with Me myself. The Me that I am now. She's different from the Me that I was 6-, 8-, 12 months ago. This Me is about to go through some life changing events within the next 8 months or so. This Me is about to face some grown-up decisions that are going to put everything she is to the test. What I can tell you, following some half-focused, half-not, self-reflection and with the input of a respected and admired authority figure,and with some help of a recent personality questionnaire: I' m a planner, a control freak, empathetic, nuturing, I'm almost everything melancholy, with a choleric trait or two. I'm detail-oriented, a.k.a. a perfectionist. I like to keep peace but I can be confrontational (can be good and bad). I'm a thinker, a worrier, a question-asker. I'm individualistic - when called for. I'm a social butterfly (one day out of the month) but more often than not (as I'm beginning to realize) I like solitude. Insecure when I want to be, confident and secure when I have to be. I'm a friend (though when a bridge is burnt, it is rarely rebuilt), I'm a daughter, a grand-daughter, a sister, a neice, a cousin, a girlfriend, a student. I'm Me; the 'what-you-see-is-what-you-get' kind of Me. I'm natural...A natural, unique, Creator designed 'shade of beauty'.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quotes of the Week....

"The future depends on what we do in the present." -Mahatma Gandhi


                                  "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of  comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

...a few of my favourite things...

  1. My daughter (my life <3 <3)
  2. <3 My 'Chocolate Sexy' <3
  3. Spending time with family <3
  4. Poetry...writing poetry...reading poetry...attending poetry concerts (a soulful release.loves it <3)
  5. Chai tea...topped with whipped cream and cinnamon (...mmmmmmm)
  6. Emus...(they're ugly as shit but MAD warm)
  7. Shea butter
  8. Funky, one of a kind earrings
  9. SHOES!!! (nuff said...)
  10. Colorful sunsets & glowing full moons (beautiful.inspiring.nature's expression)
...I could go on but I said 'a few'...