Monday, January 24, 2011

This Just In....

My hair and I can be friends!! And all it took was a bottle of shampoo (yes, I said it, shampoo), rinse out and leave-in conditoner. And a nice little blend of oils too of course. Stay tuned for the details...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Quote of the week...

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Confucius

Friday, January 21, 2011

Let's get this started

So I've had it somewhere in one of the dusty, remote back corners of my mind that I need to get on here and write and it's taken this long but I made it. I'm actually in the mood. I'm not sure of the tone I want to set with my contributions to this blog so until my niche is found my blogs will probablybe as random and as sporadic as my thoughts. So let's get aquainted.
Who am I? Good question. I wish I knew. I'm currently getting acquainted with Me myself. The Me that I am now. She's different from the Me that I was 6-, 8-, 12 months ago. This Me is about to go through some life changing events within the next 8 months or so. This Me is about to face some grown-up decisions that are going to put everything she is to the test. What I can tell you, following some half-focused, half-not, self-reflection and with the input of a respected and admired authority figure,and with some help of a recent personality questionnaire: I' m a planner, a control freak, empathetic, nuturing, I'm almost everything melancholy, with a choleric trait or two. I'm detail-oriented, a.k.a. a perfectionist. I like to keep peace but I can be confrontational (can be good and bad). I'm a thinker, a worrier, a question-asker. I'm individualistic - when called for. I'm a social butterfly (one day out of the month) but more often than not (as I'm beginning to realize) I like solitude. Insecure when I want to be, confident and secure when I have to be. I'm a friend (though when a bridge is burnt, it is rarely rebuilt), I'm a daughter, a grand-daughter, a sister, a neice, a cousin, a girlfriend, a student. I'm Me; the 'what-you-see-is-what-you-get' kind of Me. I'm natural...A natural, unique, Creator designed 'shade of beauty'.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quotes of the Week....

"The future depends on what we do in the present." -Mahatma Gandhi


                                  "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of  comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

...a few of my favourite things...

  1. My daughter (my life <3 <3)
  2. <3 My 'Chocolate Sexy' <3
  3. Spending time with family <3
  4. Poetry...writing poetry...reading poetry...attending poetry concerts (a soulful release.loves it <3)
  5. Chai tea...topped with whipped cream and cinnamon (...mmmmmmm)
  6. Emus...(they're ugly as shit but MAD warm)
  7. Shea butter
  8. Funky, one of a kind earrings
  9. SHOES!!! (nuff said...)
  10. Colorful sunsets & glowing full moons (beautiful.inspiring.nature's expression)
...I could go on but I said 'a few'...