Saturday, March 5, 2011

RANDOM RANT: Immature Grown Ass Men...

ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm not even gonna try to take my time and make sure this is written eloquently or even politically correct....I just want to get this off my chest!!!!! I apologize in advance if anything said offends some...
...they're just my thoughts....

I cannot stand it when GROWN ASS MEN act IMMATURE!!! It's the biggest fucking turn off on the planet (...and I mean instant DRY UP!!!) I understand that everyone has their immature moments but when you have more immature moments than mature moments THAT'S A PROBLEM!!!! Temper tantrums and other childish movements are a big ass NO NO!! No grown ass woman is gonna get wet for or even feel proud to have a man who acts like a frigging child. Grown women want need and deserve a man who has control of his life, who can stand up for himself (and his beliefs) and who most definately isn't "follow-botty"!!! UGHHH!!! It's so frustrating especially when you know that they have potential but it's just being wasted because they refuse to grow. As hard as it is to deal with, there is a small immature guy can one day grow up and become a mature man the minute he opens his eyes and wants to (grow up). It's just up to us to decide whether we can wait or better yet if they're even worth the wait..

...rant done...